Tuesday 6 August 2013

Error updating / installing cygwin

Cygwin recently started to provide different binaries for windows 32 and 64 bits (the previous version was 32 bit only). As part of this change, they've changed the layout of the update repositories, so if you have an old setup.exe binary, you might get one of the following errors when you select from which mirror to download the packages

  • Unable to get setup.ini from <ulr>
 or the more cryptic
  • Internal error: gcrypt library error 60 illegal tag.
The way to fix this is simple, just download one of the new flavours of setup_<arch>.exe from cygwin. If you download the 64 bit version I suggested you to install it in a different location or delete your previous version, but do not override a 32 bit version with a 64 bit version.